There I was, laying down on a bed you just sink into, a pillow under my knees and under my head, the lights were low, the temperature was warm but very comfortable, and there was a low humming of machines (from my relative pitch, sounding a low A(since I'm a dork, I try to figure that out when I'm bored)) that made the room very serene, in result, I fell asleep. I was having an ultrasound done on my neck, which was one of the tests I had this week at the Mayo Clinic. This test was done to see if there were anymore swollen lymph nodes, and if there were, there would be cancer left.
Well, tests concluded that the cancer is gone, and I will be declared "cured" in 5 years. I have to go back for tests every year, but that is definately the answer I was wanting.
I really want to thank all of the people who prayed for me, who have prayed with me, who have been there for me, who got me out of the house after surgery, who have called me from miles away, who have visited me both at home and in the hospital, who brought me a frappacino when the news struck me, who sent me care packages, and who have cared so much to try to keep up with everything that was happening. This has meant more to me than you could have known. I feel like I'm making an awards speech, but I feel the need to thank you, because I appreciate all of you.
Aww, I'm so excited to hear that Shaundra. I'm so happy for you :)
i love you!!
For a second there, I thought you were practicing some occultic rite.
Praying for you, sister.
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